Review of Life on the Mississippi

201530071885 Yang Hao

Life of the Mississippi was written by Mark Twain, a famous American writer. In the book, Mark Twain recalled his experience when he worked as a sailor at Mississippi River. During that time, he witnessed the evils and darkness along the Mississippi River.

In the book, Mississippi River is vibrant, changeful and it’s difficult for people to ponder. The river is destructive, however, at the same time, it also nurtures countless people who live along it. Mississippi River helped Mark Twain know many mysterious natural phenomena and complex social phenomena. In those years, Mississippi River burst the ranks serval times, and a total of 67 miles river was shorten. Using its great power and unpredictable way, Mississippi River were constantly changing its surroundings, it also changed people’s life at the same time.

Firstly, the book exposes the darkness and praises the people. The crew organized union to fight the capitalists and won, which encouraged many workers. The book promoted the development of the American Workers ‘ movement. Secondly, the book encourages people to return to the natural nature of man and construct the spiritual ecology of man. Our growing desire destroys not only the environment, but also our innocence heart.

We can meet much dialect in this book. The dialect makes the book more real. Mark Twain expressed some serious topic with humor, which makes the book more impressive.