Review of Uncle Tom's Cabin

201530101124 Li Zitian

Uncle Tom’s Cabin was an anti-slavery novel published by American writer Harriet Bischer Stowe in 1852. Uncle Tom’s Cabin had a great impact on American society so that at the beginning of the outbreak of the Civil War, when Lincoln met Mrs. Stowe, he said, “You are the little woman who sparked a war.”

As a Realistic novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin focuses on portraying the tragic fate of Christianity, the high-sacrifice of the nigger, under the unequal social system, to reveal the evil nature of slavery.

The book tells the story of the slaves of Schelli’s family, Uncle Tom and Harry, to be sold. While Uncle Tom made a decision silently, leaving his family in pain, Harry’s mother, Eliza, escaped with his son.

Then Tom knew and took care of a young white girl Eva. When Eva fell into the river, Tom saved her. In order to thank him, Eva’s father Augustine St. Clair bought Tom from the hands of the slave dealer and brought Tom to his home in New Orleans.Two years after Tom lived with St Clair, Eva was seriously ill. Before she died, she dreamed of a paradise, and she told the dream to the people around. That made his father make a decision that he would let Tom free.

Before St Clair fulfilled his promise, he was stabbed by a hunting knife in a battle. St. Clair’s wife refused to fulfill her husband’s promise, selling Tom to a ferocious farmer, Simon Lugley, in an auction. When Tom refused to obey the order of Rugley to flog his slave companion, Legrier began to be disgusted with him. After he encouraged Casey to escape with her child and refused to say where they went, Lagerley ordered his supervisors to kill Tom. However, when he was dying, Tom forgave the two supervisors brutally beaten his behavior. Before Tom died, George Shelby (son of Arthur Shelby) appeared, he wanted to buy Tom’s freedom, but found that it was too late.

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